实际上,钢化玻璃和退火玻璃的耐磨性并无区别。理论上,钢化工艺中确实施加了压力,将微小的划痕封在玻璃的表面上。所以理论上,从微观的层面来讲,钢化玻璃的耐磨性要强于退火玻璃。有些 EC 和 ISO 标准对此进行了定义,但是都是基于实验室测试得出的数据。在实际应用中,钢化玻璃和退火玻璃在耐磨方面是没有区别的。
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Miika Äppelqvist
Encourages transparent solutions in buildings and ways of working. Seven years of experience from being a glass-man in product management, sales and projects with a focus on glass heat treatment. Believes helping is the best marketing any company can do. Father of two toddlers and a wannabe sportsman with an internal love of ice hockey.