How to minimize your tempering line energy consumption (1/2)
por Kimmo KuuselaEnergy savings in your tempering process goes directly to your bottom line. How can you minimize your tempering line energy consumption? (Part 1/2)
Energy savings in your tempering process goes directly to your bottom line. How can you minimize your tempering line energy consumption? (Part 1/2)
One of the most burning topics in the glass industry is whether anisotropy is a defect or not? The industry is puzzled because of a lack of standardization. What can we do?
Markets demand increasingly more quality from glass suppliers. Sometimes, you can see weird strain patterns or rainbow-colored streaks in the glass, especially when viewed at a close angle and in polarized light. This is called glass iridescence. And here’s how to get rid of it.
Problemas ópticos estão se tornando cada vez mais críticos como um tópico em projetos de fachada de alto nível. Defeitos ópticos são causados por dois motivos principais: ondulação do rolo e dobra da borda. Neste artigo, discutirei sobre a ondulação do rolo e como melhorá-la.
Since we are talking about safety, it is crucial that tempered glass is actually tempered when it is delivered to customers. Here’s a list of ways you can make sure you don’t need to recall your glasses.