GPD 2023 Präsentationen – Glasverarbeitungstechnologien

Die Glass Performance Days 2023 boten eine Reihe von wegweisenden Präsentationen über Glasverarbeitungstechnologien, die Branchenführer und Experten zusammenbrachten, um die neuesten Fortschritte und Methoden zu diskutieren.

Dieser Abschnitt widmet sich den verschiedenen Aspekten der Glasverarbeitung, einschließlich Vorbehandlung, Härtung, Automobilglasherstellung und Glaslaminierung. Ganz gleich, ob Sie sich für die technischen Besonderheiten der Glasbearbeitung oder für die weiter gefassten Anwendungen im Automobil- und Architekturbereich interessieren, diese Beiträge bieten eine Vielfalt an Wissen und innovativen Lösungen.

Tempering and pre-processing

  1. Ingo Stahlkopf, Optris – „Correct temperature measurement during tempering process of different types of coated glass“
  2. Jukka Vuoristo, Volframi – „Partial processing and method imports from other industries“
  3. Riku Färm, Glaston and Peter Pfannenstill, SOFTSOLUTION – „Automated white haze detection in the tempering process“
  4. Sandra Kugler, Viprotron – „Temper Scanner 5D: the new complete metrology scanner after furnace exit and its capabilities for furnace optimization and quality control“ 
  5. Eric Hegstrom, LiteSentry – Softsolution – Strainoptics – „Controlling Glass Quality During Heat Treatment“
  6. Adrian Lareida, ETH Zürich – „Investigation of cooling systems in a glass grinding process“ and „Investigation of Breaking Stresses on Cut-Edge Quality“ 
  7. Antti Aronen, Glaston – „How to change the tempering process control from settings to specifications“
  8. Asier Iglesias, Mondragon Unibertsitatea – „Probabilistic assessment of tempered glass failure based on high fidelity process and in-service modelling techniques“ 
  9. Francis Serruys, Saint-Gobain – „Breakage probability of nickel sulphide inclusions in heat strengthened glass“ 

Automotive and display units

  1. Antti Aronen, Glaston – „Main benefits from convection preheating in Automotive WS/SR production“
  2. Wilma Dewald, Volkswagen AG – „Application of ultrathin glass in cars – A feasibility study“

Laminated glass

  1. Miriam Schuster, Technische Universität Darmstadt – „Quantification of the linear viscoelastic behavior of multilayer interlayers“
  2. Sagar Vanapalli, Hochschule Anhalt – „Glass Timber Panel–A new hygiene material for health care and hospitality“
  3. Stefan Reich, Anhalt University of Applied Sciences – „Natural weathering study of the resistance of various glass types against UV-induced color fading“
  4. Steffen Bornemann, Folienwerk Wolfen – „Contribution of the interlayer films to the safety properties of the laminated safety glass at different temperature conditions“
  5. Vaughn Schauss, Kuraray – „Review of Security Glazing Standards and Testing“
  6. Dusan Kovacik, Masaryk University – „Large area atmospheric plasma surface processing of PVB and Ionoplast interlayers for performance improvement of laminated glass“
  7. Lorenzo Santi, University of Parma – „Fractional viscoelastic modelling of polymeric interlayers in laminated glass. Comparisons with Prony series approach“
  8. Louis Moreau, MOGLEX – „Play Safe With Stiff Interlayers“
  9. Mikko Rantala, Glaston – „Predicting interlayer and glass temperatures in automated glass lamination process“
  10. Milica Slipcevic (Baric), Bundeswehr University Munich – „Determination of relationship between chemical properties of different interlayers and mechanical resistance in laminated glass structures exposed to different loads“

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